Monday, February 17, 2014

Speaking of Classes!

Instructor: Chris Cernetisch
$135 per day or $375 all 3 days
Pastel is one of the 4 classes during the Art Retreat July 25, 26, 27th 2014. 
Chris has provided me with a rough outline of her plans for her class.
Her plan is to provide 3 separate days of different approaches for this Pastel medium. 
Take one day, two days, or combine everything and grasp a HUGE bang experience putting it all together for all 3 days.
Chris is a powerful instructor, and a master of Pastel painting.
I have been given instruction from her and she doesn't 'simply instruct'  she imparts knowledge.  Years of trials and happy outcomes. 
The products that are fabulous and the products to try at a later time.
I have had the pleasure to watch her paint. 
Just watching her paint is so mesmerizing AND instructional!
The skill!! that oozes from her so easily. 
Her confidence is infectious! 
Watching her demonstrations alone, are forth coming with heaps of technical application.
She shares so much throughout the demonstrations.
As I list her given outline, do not read the list and think, well I am already good with that much...perhaps...perhaps not.
Know this, Chris covers a LOT of area and products...the one day alone will bring you forward in your Pastel studies, if not just remind you of the materials out there that you may have wanted to try, and concur that perhaps you might not waste the monies on that particular product just now...and move forward to something different on your list.
Again, covered in the ONE!
We encourage you to consider this retreat if you have always wanted to try soft pastels but have no idea how to begin. 
If you have dabbled with the soft Pastels but were disappointed.
To brush up on skills gone rusty.
This is the class and instructor for that!
Gaze upon the above picture... look at the MOVEMENT Chris achieves.  Though my photo can't begin to bring forth the depth engaged in her painting nor the colors that make the painting a frozen moment in time...look at how mighty the painting still comes through!
Chris is a powerhouse of a painter.
You can not help but come away from her class full of inspiration and excitement and want to run back to your place and engage in all the technical 'knowledge tools' Chris will provide you.
So, Look over this list and decide will I take 1, 2 or all 3 days.
Day 1- A thorough discussion of different brands of Pastels, papers and other tools and supplies, plus ways to apply the Pastel to paper.
Day 2- Learn how to choose the paper, lessons on color and value, using these ideas to create an under painting ready for a finished piece.
(the lessons for color and value transcend to every medium)
Day 3- Putting it all together!  We will work on a painting or 3! using the new skills.
There is a provided list of materials the student will be responsible to bring, available upon reservation.
A brochure is being written that covers tuition, lodging, and the lodge the retreat is being held.  For information, and to be placed on the mailing list. 
Contact: The Stagecoach Gallery (in Platte SD)
email: Mary @
July 25, 26, 27 2014
Don't miss out on this retreat in the center of the West.  Were the Lodge is set on gorgeous grounds conducive to inspirational walks where you may want to set up and paint, or photograph while you relax in natures abundance of~peace.
Join a set of instructors:
Chris Cernetisch ~
Bonnie Brahms~
Chad Phillips~
Mary Hunt~
Staining Glass Traditional Method
Come away from the retreat refreshed and full of renewed inspiration and gobs of knowledge.
Have a great day!