Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lost and Found Page

I am finishing the Lost and Found journal page.

Life is cyclic so I wrote what lost and found was meaning to me in circles.
It reads:
Sometimes lost 'things' of perceived importance brings into focus what we needed to find. Sometimes we never really lost anything and find what we were missing to be in our self all along.
It is a huge circle blowing between realms. (present life mingled with a past)
I interpret the leaf to be the bringer of insight, old and new, as the cycle continues in our journey into our soul.

I will put the picture up when I get home.
I will add that while I strive for this kind of acceptance, I don't always achieve the calm acceptance of the cycle of things, such as a young death.
As I was thinking about this last night babysitting.
I know I would not calmly accept the death of the children as easily the death of my parents.
I would be angry that they hadn't been able to have the chance to leave their mark as that of a person that has been here longer.
Yet, in the big scheme of things as we are supposed to believe, they have left an imprint on us and we are still supposed to be able to realize what their being in our lives, short or long has been to mean.
I am not going any deeper as then it will become a book, not a posting.
I wanted to let it be known that I DO know that lost and found is deeper than just the cycle of life's meaning.


Cheryl Gebhart said...

I love what you've written - can't wait to see the picture. Your words have a lot of insight.

Altered Route said...

Great saying to go with your Lost&Found pages!!

Kathryn Costa said...

I'm touched by both your comments on my blog and the words you share here. I look forward to seeing your finished pages. Life is cyclic and the process of finding and losing are forever part of the cycle.

Thank you for sharing the journey!
{soul hugs}

Linda Vincent said...

The writing looks beautiful - its a very special page Mary.
PS Thanks for visiting our new blog!

Anne said...

Lovely page and lovely thinking behind it. I like what you've created!

Altered Route said...

You have hit me down deep in my heart...I love what you wrote. I think those thoughts so soften and You have so eloquently put it to paper! What a great page!

Karen Campbell said...

I love the concept with the circles and cycles ... and your journaling about lost and found is so insightful!

Linda said...

I think you are absolutely correct in that many times what we feel is missing in our life is really within us all along. One of life's greatest lessons is to look within for happiness.

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your lovely comments. :)

Marilyn said...

Mary, I left you a sweet award on my blog

Marilyn said...

Mary, I left an award for you on my blog.

Mescrap said...

I absolutely agree with what you said in your blog. It's really hard to accept a death of a child than an adult. May be because the child are too 'young'.
But, i've learn from my previous lost that I have to look & appreciate the 'present'.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful page. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, it makes it more meaningful. ~HUGZ~
Joy >i<