Sunday, July 11, 2010

Preparation for Student's Session This Week

I spent today preparing for this weeks class with Shayla..we each prepared a background to use to paint this horse profile...(i decided i need practice as well and not just for the painting exercise but to create a PDF) I took step by step pictures along the way...I have more to place in the PDF
but these are highlights for each segment..

Here is the background...both Shayla and I did one
i sent her home to do the drafting in with pencil...

here is my draft

and here is my draft done enough for me to begin painting washes

I begin laying some undertones...

i used magenta and Jenkins green

several washes of light burnt umber with gloss acrylic glazing
and some hints of raw umber
with a final wash of raw umber with water

and here is the finished head

all products are golden and the substrate is
Cranson Acrylic paper
(a watercolor paper variation..but it is thicker)


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You draw so well. I can't draw anything, not even simple shapes, even though people say it's "just a square with a circle on the end" or something similar. And your background is really detailed, too.

Love those cool looking shots in your previous post, too. To think that view is not far from you. Gorgeous!!

Anne Gaal said...

Hi, Mary! This is sooooo good! Love seeing the steps - especially the underpainting. Love your horse! :-)

Mescrap said...

You draw so well !!
Gorgeous ...gorgeous !!