Yesterday he either fell or was pushed from the the horrible heat of the day it was 110 under the eaves where the nest is...keeping the cement wet I think helped keep him alive and his parents kept him fed. His siblings didn't make it.
Probably another 2 days and he will be able to fly off...right now he can hover low and he keeps up near the wall.
This was the nest and that is the temp from this morning.
I hope nothing eats him...and he learns to fly off...
We hope your day is going well
He is so cute. Thank goodness you are there to help him. I hope all goes well until he's up & off.
Is he English? With a name like Edward... ;o)
probably capistranian
don't the swallows go to capistrani or some such place i can really mess up the spelling to?
Hi, Mary! Glad you are looking after Ed! Apparently, it takes a village to raise a bird! ;-)
110! 110! I think I'm beginning to melt just thinking about it.
If it get's into the high 90's here we curl up and lay low, bird, animals, humans.....110?'s making my hair hurt. :)Bea
Bless you for keeping the concrete wet. It was 110 here today and the heat index was even worse. People thought I was exaggerating. Glad it has cooled a bit in your more northerly neck of the woods.
little ed flew off this morning
he flies really well
and his family went he is with good company!
he appreciates all y'alls support
What a lucky little fellow! He is so fortunate to have you reach down and gather him up to safety. Brave! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
He's so cute...and I love the way baby birds' mouths spread so wide!
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