Saturday, March 28, 2009


I have been honored to receive the Kreativ Blogger Award, recognized through thank you!

OK Kreativ Blogger nominees, here is what you need to do:
1. Snag the logo and place it on your blog.
2. Link to the person who sent the award to you. That would be me ( )
3. Name seven things about yourself people might find interesting.
4. Nominate seven Kreativ Bloggers.
5. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.
6. Leaves a message on the blog of each of your nominees.
Naming 'just' 7 artisans is always so difficult for me. I visit and follow and learn of so many incredible creative people.
Here goes:
Mary has creations to watch grow on her blog just FULL of imagination.
She is always experimenting and worth the visit!
Anne explains and explains every little detail in her card making, and her experiments with paint.
She has a most informative place.
grrl has the wittiest postings, her thoughts are honestly right out there for everyone to read. Weather you agree or not she is well worth the read!
Kathryn is the moderator for soul journaling a group who formed after the inspiring challenge Sarah Whitmire began last year, which has taken off into a total realm on itself.
She offers inspiration to continue the soul quest through detailed prompts that make a person think into their self or appreciate as they should and offers projects that help make that journal a beautiful piece of art.
Diane has been recently ill, however her blog is not to be dismissed! She has a plethora postings to work through with inspiration there for the plucking.
Diane has a lot different things happening in her blog worth looking through for all kinds of inspiration.
Sharon can spin a story. Currently she has been telling the viewer about her sleuthing out the family details of the past. She has found out so much and the story is unfolded on her blog.
Check it out!
Ruby is the youngest among those I follow, and should not be dismissed for youth. She has fabulous energy and composition boasts upon her blog.
Everyone has inspiration abound! Most of the bloggers I follow have already received this prestigious award. I tried to identify blogs without this patch. If I missed it and you don't want to play again I understand.
I have to mention 8...visit this awesome blog
her work is just fabulous!!! talk about inspiring...
Alright...7 might not know..oh !find interesting! (well I am not sure I AM interesting)but here ya go:
1. I have worked in calving barns helping deliver and take care of young calves. (did this for the past 7 years, before moving to SD I didn't think about cows, how they lived, where they came from...they were just supper!)
2. I am a waitress
3. I train dogs
4. 26 years I worked as a 'waterwoman' heh heh ..those on the east coast will know the reference....I was in the seafood harvest business
5. I have never ridden a horse
6. I do not like snow! and I don't particularly think it is pretty! even though it is calming to look at and makes you feel peaceful
7. I LOVE the smell of rain
I am not sure what these things might tell a person about me...but there you have it. Go forth to the blogs I offered and enjoy!


Seth said...

Congratulations on the award. And thanks for some new links!

Anne said...

Hi, Mar! Congratulations on receiving this blog award! And thanks for your kind words and sharing the award with me, too! :-)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You have some of the best links!! I love all the new links you have offered here. Blogland is wonderful and such a great network.
