Friday, February 13, 2009

Can't Pick Just One!

Come and LOOK!!!!!

The souljournal group had a book mark swap. I played along and these gorgeous bookmarks are mine .....all mine!!! Morning Dove contributed the bookmark in the center. It has lots of trim and baubles attached for the tassel. Lay Hoon sent the bookmark on the right. Christy sent the mask bookmark...ingenious!

Click on the picture and go large to see all the details I lack to tell about.

This was a fun project. If the group decides to do another bookmark join in...this was the second for me. I now have 5 gorgeous bookmarks from 5 different artists I admire.
Thank you Christy for hosting the project.


Anne said...

Hi, Mar! Lovely bookmarks! What a treat to find in the mail! :-)

morningDove said...

I would love to take credit for the center bookmark but i did not participate in the trade. oops.