Sunday, March 23, 2008

Emulsion Transfer

Here is the result from my emulsion transfer technique. Using the image you want to transfer, I use a multi-purpose photo paper with an ink jet printer that uses dura-brite ink. Take an acrylic GLOSS soft gel medium, for this test I used Liquitex but I am a fan of Golden and I do not think the Liquitex did as nice a job of this transfer as the Golden would have, that said we move on. Let 4 coats of the soft gel dry over night. Soak the substrate in warm water and wait patiently for the separation to begin. IF you remain patient (and I don't) then the separation will be cleaner. If the separation occurs to have some paper left wait a little bit for some drying to occur then gently rub the remainder pulp away. Your image is ready to use.

1 comment:

Maggie Ann said...

Mary, I'm thankful you shared your technique and know-how. I've tried and tried and mine are flops. Thank you SO much...I'll give it another try! =)