Sunday, September 5, 2010


Can you see the babies? This is a really late hatch..they can't be more than a couple of days old. Momma was carefully watching out for mr hawk..while the babies were probably warming their little feet in the sunny dirt.
Here it is cooling off so much and supposed to be below temperatures this week
rain on the way...there is still lots of cover so they might do okay
and they are in our beans which are weeks away from harvest...
i hope they grow...
Craig spotted them for me to get their picture....i was ready...or i surely would have missed them...
if i can enlarge them just a little more
they will be the next pheasant platter...
i am STILL enameling the platters!!
i haven't fired again though so nothing to show...
thanks for dropping in and have a fabulous day!
holiday too if you celebrate those kinds of things...


Kelly said...

How cute... yes it is a late hatch for sure. I hope they do survive okay.
Hugs and happy creating! Thanks for sharing the cuteness!

Sarah said...

Hi Mary,
I can see you have been busy what with platters, cows to water and snapping babies. All most interesting! Have a lovely week!

teri said...

This is so sweet to see! I hope these babies will do well with mama.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Glad to read your weather is cooling and that you had some rain today. Our temps have gone back to the high 90s and no rain in sight. These little ones look like they are enjoying the sun and now you have an illustration to sketch from.