Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I am certain that I will be on time with the Goddess swap pages.
I am glad.

Making commitments are important to fulfill as described.
I know I have a "good" excuse for either an extension, or some kind of compensation, however the rules requested that there be no exceptions, so I have NO excuses.
In the "real" world there are never exceptions to deadlines.
This is a policy that should be followed in every aspect of "doing".

These exercises are good for many reasons.
They help keep the creative juices going and trying new techniques are encouraged.
To me, they help train the up coming young artist to prepare themselves for deadlines.
I think that part of the exercise is the key component.

These may not be the reasons at all for having these swaps, other than to get an idea of what people might do.

At any rate, I will be on time.

I am not sure if we are supposed to wait to post our project to the blog, until they have been mailed off to the new recipient.

Be looking...she has turned out nice.

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