We had us a situation...
a cow situation...last evening.
Two momma and calf pairs escaped into the wrong pasture.
Possibly they are mmmoooooving to California.
They noticed Mabel had to fight that strong headwind during the Winter month, so planning for better weather they are leaving now!
The little girls want to break into films...they think they are a LOT cuter than the ones that were auditioning for that ..commercial..
LOL!! I love those commercials!
Hi, Mary! You're so funny! Your cows and pastures look lots more attractive than the ones in the commercials! :-)
better lure them back with a promise of a close up!
You are too funny! My uncle had a dairy farm in Florida we would round up the strays on dirt bikes - used horses at one point but the bikes were more efficient. Being kicked by a cow is no fun.
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